Helen's Kitchen copyrights!

Please DO NOT copy paste, edit or use any of Picture from this
website without permission, all picture are Helen's Kitchen copyrights!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Martabak Manis RED VELVET, Helen's Kitchen.

Martabak Manis Red Velvet, Helen's Kitchen.
We Deliver to All State, Nation Wide!
Email: helennathalya@yahoo.com or
add FB: Helen's Kitchen

Thursday, August 14, 2014

New!!! Martabak Green Tea Nutella Cheese

One of our new variant of Martabak Manis

Martabak Green Tea Nutella Cheese

Martabak Manis Green Tea Cheese Lovers

Any topping is available. Contact for more info and order : Helen - 6315528919 or helennathalya@yahoo.com

We deliver to all state nation wide - USA. With special packaging to maintain the freshness and quality.

Croissants Bread Pudding

Croissants Bread Pudding

Simple dessert.. Hands down!

bread pudding resep:
croissants 8-10pcs
blueberry and choco chip (optional, topping terserah selera)

bahan custard:
3 telor
5 kuning telor saja
1ltr half and half cream
1.5 cup gula pasir
2 teaspoon black vanilla cair
secubit garam,
cinnamon powder (optional)

Cara buat:
siapkan wadah utk dibake ( bisa pake pan aluminum kotak atau Pyrex atau tmpt cupcake, sesuai selera). potong 2 croissants. bagian bawah croissants di potong kecil2 lalu di tata di wadah. sisihkan bagian atas croissants utk di taro belakangan.
lalu di wadah terpisah. buat saus custard nya:

Cara buat custard:
aduk rata semua bahan custard, aduk biasa aja pake whisk. gk usah pake mixer. aduk sampai rata Dan telor benar2 tercampur.
lalu siramkan kedalam wadah yg Ada croissants nya. tabur choco chip, lalu tutup dgn croissants bagian atas. tabur blueberry.
cara Panggang : siapkan wadah yg lbh besar drpd wadah yg ada adonannya. beri air panas ditengah, lalu masukkan wadah adonan (jgn sampe air masuk kedalam adonan) kedalam wadah yg ada air tsb. tutup dgn aluminum foil lalu bake dgn suhu 325 selama 50min. setelah 50min. buka foil bake lagi selama 30menit agar croissants puffy and brown.

enjoy your bread pudding!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Homemade Meatballs for Spaghetti Meatballs.

hi again.. this winter time, it is soo good to eat meatballs. well this time i want to make meatballs in italian style. it is so easy to make, healthy and soo good. your family will love them! lets make it happen...!

ingredients :

1 lbs ground meat.
4 pcs white bread - tear into pieces with food processor to get fine breadcrumbs and then toss them in the bowl with a 1/2 cup of milk.
2 eggs - lightly beat the eggs before mixed it.
2 clove of garlic, finely chop!
salt and pepper
1 tbs oregano
1 tbs parsley
1 tbs beef seasoning
half of big white onion.  finely chop!
2 pcs of scallion - ...  finely chop!
---------------------- mixed all ingredients above! here's the picture !

 after all ingredients mixed together, start to make a meatballs. roll them up baby!

heat it up in a pan, put oil and cook it about 20-30min, untill all side is done and brown.

wuallaah!!.. eat this only, already tasty and soo good!

add spaghetti sauce your favorite, mixed it together with mushroom, Onion, oregano, parsley, give salt and paper as you desire.. enjoy your spaghetti meatballs..!!

Homemade Spaghetti meatballs! 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Lemper Ayam ( Sticky Rice with Chicken Filling )

Resep mengikuti resepnya NCC
di modif sedikit dengan resep dari mertuaku :)

one of my favorite snack all time.. :)


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Happy Independent Day Indonesia! Merdeka....!!!

Tgl 17 agustusan di Toronto Canada dirayakan cukup meriah, semeriah kegiatan di Helen's Kitchen :) utk acara 17agustusan ini, Helen's kitchen kedapatan orderan 300Boxes tradisional kue jajanan pasar khas citarasa Indonesia; Risoles isi Ragout Ayam, Kue Pukis, dan Kue Onde-onde. Total ada 900pcs Kue-kue. Amaziiinnngg!! Praise The Lord...

Food Bazar 17 Agustusan Helen's Kitchen juga ikut serta, berjualan Martabak Manis Terang Bulan

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Kue Lumpur Kentang Lembut dan Harum

Kue Lumpur Kentang Lembut dan Harum.

Thanks to KJRI Toronto yang sudah pesan kue lumpur kentang Helen's Kitchen.

Resep modified from Bogasari.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ayam Goreng Kalasan Helen's Kitchen

Ayam Goreng Kalasan

Resep Ayam Goreng Kalasan Helen's Kitchen:

Bahan utama:
Ayam 1ekor. atau bisa diganti dengan paha ayamnya aja.
air jeruk nipis
daun jeruk
daun salam dan sereh
Lada bubuk.
Kecap manis

Bahan yg di haluskan:
10bwg merah, 8bwg putih
10kemiri, lengkuas, jahe, garam secukupnya.
Gula jawa 1 blok

Cara membuat:
- Cuci bersih ayam, lalu rendam dengan air jeruk nipis. diamkan sebentar.
- haluskan semua bumbu2, lalu campur dengan ayam yg sudah ditiriskan.
- beri air kelapa 100ml, lada dan kecap manis secukupnya. diamkan 1jam ayam bumbu tsb.
- siapkan wajan anti lengket, susun daun jeruk dan daun salam sereh sebagai dasar
- susun ayam yg sdh direndam dgn bumbu diatas daun2.
- masak ayam sampai matang dan empuk. kurleb 1jam.
- Goreng sebentar ayam dgn minyak panas.
- angkat dan sajikan bersama dgn nasi dan lalapan.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Martabak Manis Terang Bulan or Sweet Indonesian Pancake

Martabak Manis Terang Bulan or Sweet Indonesian Pancake, it's so rich in flavors, tasty, sweet and sooooo yummy!! make u want more and more...
To maintain the originality of Indonesian Taste, we use only high quality ingredients, such as: Blue Band, Wijsman Butter,  Chocolate Ceres and Cheddar Cheese also Natural Roasted Peanut, and Roasted Sesame seeds. NO PRESERVATIVES & ARTIFICIAL THINGS !
It is available in many special fillings flavors.
Super : Chocolate sprinkles, Roasted Peanut and Roasted Sesame Seeds and sweet condensed milk.
Special : Chocolate sprinkles, Cheddar Cheese, Roasted Peanut, Roasted Sesame Seeds and sweet condensed milk
Super Special : Chocolate sprinkles, More fully loaded Cheddar Cheese, Roasted Peanut, Roasted Sesame Seeds and sweet condensed milk.
Cheese Lovers: Fully loaded Cheddar Cheese, Roasted Sesame Seeds and sweet condensed milk.
For ordering or information please email us at helennathalya@yahoo.com or call (+1) 416-8309969.
GTA area Only!
Martabak Manis Super :
Chocolate sprinkles, Roasted Peanut and Roasted Sesame Seeds. 

Martabak Manis Special:
Chocolate sprinkles, Cheddar Cheese, Roasted Peanut and Roasted Sesame Seeds. 
Martabak Manis Super Special:
Chocolate sprinkles, More fully loaded Cheddar Cheese, Roasted Peanut and Roasted Sesame Seeds.
Perfectly Baked!
Peanut allergy! Please let us know if u have peanut allergy, so we can make without peanut, and make sure no peanut trace into your order.

 ~ Helen's Kitchen ~

Monday, March 4, 2013

Kue Bika Ambon Mini

Edisi Bika Ambon Mini
Ukuran Cup Cake
Bika Ambon Mini

Resep dari NCC